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Please HELP All Victorian Health Employees get back to work
and drop the unlawful vaccine mandate for ALL Victorians!
Please HELP All Victorian Health Employees get back to work and drop the unlawful vaccine mandate for ALL Victorians!

Victorian Paramedics
Seeking Remedy

Signal 2023 06 17 121746 003

All Victorian Health
Employees Seeking

Screenshot 2023 06 17 133230
Parliament of Victoria Petition

Review the current vaccine mandates imposed on workers

Sign this petition and help us reach our goal of 10,000 signatures before October 5th 2024
The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the need for decision-makers to reconsider the current vaccine mandates imposed on not only healthcare workers but all workers in Victoria...


signatures needed
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Keeping it Simple, Sharing Knowledge

The People’s Library

We the Australian people need to work together and continue to share information regarding the unlawful vaccine directions.
Let’s help one another in our country get back to work and be afforded a lawful working environment once again.
Far too many Australians have had their employment terminated because of the vaccine directions over the past several years.

Court cases across the country have deemed the vaccine directions to be unlawful, yet, in Victoria, there are still unlawful vaccine directions in place to date. It appears that even though several cases across the country have deemed the vaccine directions to be unlawful, you need to pursue your matter legally to be afforded the same...
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A Message From Us To All Australians (1)
Help Make an Impact

Donate or Share to help All Victorian Health Employees Seeking Remedy

A Message From Us To All Australians 1
A small donation or a simple share will greatly help this valuable and worthy cause, which will help many! Even the SMALLEST DONATIONS amount to a BIG difference!
Our Facebook Page


The All Victorian Health Employees Seeking Remedy Facebook page is where we keep our community updated on all the latest news and information. Following and sharing our page will help make an impact and get more Victorian health employees back to work.
Check out our page
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Graham Hood Interview

Graham Hood Interview

July 19, 2023
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Under The Wire Livestream

Under the Wire Livestream

July 19, 2023
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Rebel News Interview Image

Rebel News Interview

July 19, 2023
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Donate to help All Victorian Health Employees Seeking Remedy

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ANZ Bank
BSB: 013 483
Name: AW4A All Vic Health
Account: 438 080 543
Thank you for being so supportive in advance!

Donate to help Victorian Paramedics Seeking Remedy

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or Direct Debit Transfer 
ANZ Bank
BSB: 013 220
Name: AW4A Paramedics
Account: 530 125 572
Thank you for being so supportive in advance!

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ANZ Bank
Name: AW4A
BSB: 013220
Account: 530125572

Seeking Remedy for Paramedics

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